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HearingCoach is your one-stop shop

Are you in need of products for hearing specialists that truly make a difference? Products that elevate your practice to a higher level? Look no further because at HearingCoach, we have exactly what you need. From professional equipment to software, we offer a wide range of options so you can provide the best care to your clients.

Make a difference with our digital solutions

  • Unlock the potential of Oto Acoustic Emissions (OAE).
  • Calculate the ‘hearing age’ based on the audiogram.
  • Assess the risk of noise-related hearing issues and evaluate personalized hearing protection.
  • Always one year free for beginners.

Introducing our leak tester!

Checking the leakproofness of custom earmolds

Custom earmolds are tailor-made earplugs. They are highly effective, but only if they fully seal the ear canal. There should be no leakage. It is, therefore, important to perform regular leak tests. This way, you can ensure the quality of hearing protection.

We provide advice and coaching to international companies regional organizations local entrepreneurs